Liberty Head $5 Gold Coin

Congress authorized the US Mint to produce the Liberty Head $5 Gold Coin (or Half Eagle) in 1792. The US government first minted the original design of the coin (referred to as Capped Bust Right Small Eagle). This coin is the only coin in US history struck at all seven US Mints operating during its circulation. The $5.00 coin went through several design changes over its history including the Lady Liberty Coronet addition by Christian Gobrecht. This coin minted from 1839-1908 at which time the Indian Head $5 gold coin was introduced.

Liberty Head $5 Gold Coin Design – The front side the Liberty Head $5 coin is similar in design to the Liberty Head $2.50 and $20 Gold Coins. Lady Liberty wears her hair in a bun with curls about her neck. She dons a coronet inscribed with the word “LIBERTY.” The issue date and 13 stars for the original colonies appear as well.

A proud bald eagle, wings spread and standing with an olive branch beneath its talons. While the eagle clinches three arrows in his talons as well and wears a shield of stars and stripes on his chest, the words “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” the denomination, and the mint mark appear on the reverse side of the coin. Coins minted 1839-1866 do not include the words “IN GOD, WE TRUST.” These words were added at the top of the coin in 1866.

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Liberty Head $5 Gold Coin Minting – The Philadelphia Mint produced the Liberty Head $5 Gold Coin through its history, while minting was partly shifted to the San Francisco Mint during the Civil War years. The Liberty Head $5 coin was also minted in Charlotte, Georgia, and New Orleans. After the “IN GOD WE TRUST” insignia was added, these coins were struck in Carson City. In 1906-1907, they were struck at the Denver Mint.


Purity 91.67%
Size $5 Liberty
Weight 8.359 g
Metal Content 0.2419 oz.