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When the world goes cashless, go for the gold

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Photo credit: Via istock Catlane + Photoman

Hurricane Helene’s devastation of the western North Carolina region was catastrophic. There are many lessons to be learned, and many warnings to heed.

One lesson is that prepping is not something only crazy conspiracy theorists do because they fear some Mad Max apocalyptic dystopian future. It is something sensible people do because sometimes it rains. The people getting along best in the mountains right now had generators on hand, a way to filter water and make it drinkable. They had batteries, flashlights, shelf stable food supplies and gas-powered cooking equipment. It never hurts to be prepared.

We also got a new look at what modern life looks like in the face of longer term, widespread power and internet loss. To quote this Facebook user, “It gets weird fast.”

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You can’t hardly open a hotel room anymore without electricity. It was a challenge to pump gas at stations that had any left, let alone pay for it. Out came the calculators and paper ledgers. It was back to the stone ages. If you didn’t have enough cash on hand for your immediate needs, you were relying on the kindness of strangers. And hurricane victims in the mountains are receiving a lot of kindness right now, but some of us hate to be put in that position. We prefer to have resources to pay our own way, as needed. 

Keep these lessons in mind as the world continues to barrel towards a cashless society. More and more businesses are taking cards only for their normal daily operations. What will they do when their power grid fails someday? 

And if cash disappears altogether, you’ll be glad you put aside a little gold and silver in your home safe. Should disaster strike, even many years in the future, a couple silver coins will likely still buy you a tank of gas or a few days supply of groceries. Maybe an ounce or two of gold will handsomely reward the fellow who repairs your driveway. You never know. 

But it will be better to have it and not need it than need it and have nothing. And of course, bitcoin doesn’t do anyone in the mountains one bit of good right now if they have no internet and a dead phone. 

Are you ready to get serious about preparing for the future? There are so many reasons to invest in physical gold and silver right now. Emergency preparedness is just one. And not even the best one. There are so many more. Call us and let us help you get started. 

Embrace Physical Gold & Silver with Reagan Gold Group

Embracing the enduring appeal of physical gold and silver is crucial for Americans seeking a hedge for a long-term investment. Reagan Gold Group, with expertise in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, excels in safeguarding assets.

Our tailored consultations ensure personalized guidance, aiding financial stability preservation. In today’s unpredictable economic climate, Reagan Gold Group specializes in assisting you with acquiring physical gold and silver, providing a FREE custom consultation to kickstart your journey. 

At Reagan Gold Group , we specialize in helping you hedge against these risks by assisting you with the purchase of physical gold and silver. Our experts are ready to provide a FREE custom consultation for you to help you begin the process.

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*Views and opinions expressed are those of the authors they are meant for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed or interpreted as a recommendation or solicitation. Reagan Gold Group does not provide investment tax, legal financial planning, estate, planning, or any other personal finance advice. Reagan Gold Group holds no liability for the accuracy, or timeliness of the information provided.

**Note – The Reagan Gold Group is not affiliated with the Reagan Library or the Reagan Foundation in any way. We’re just fans of Ronald Reagan and what he did for American gold ownership as president.

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