It may seem counter-intuitive. It may seem impossible to imagine or hyperbolic. The dollar has been there your whole life and all that time, it has been solid – more or less, apart from a few stretches of deep inflation. It is the world’s reserve currency. The money on which international trade is based. The petrodollar makes the world go round, in many ways. You may have a sense deep in your bones that because the dollar has always been there, it will always be there.
But you know the rule of thumb in finance: past performance is no guarantee of future returns. That applies to all assets, no exceptions. Not even the US dollar.
SHOULD you have all your assets in dollar denominated investments? Or should you diversify just in case?
No hysterics here.
We are going to calmly and rationally walk you through 6 charts that demonstrate factually and logically why NOW is the time for gold precisely because the future is not guaranteed for the dollar, and in fact, using simple math you can clearly see there is not only trouble ahead; there is trouble right now.
We’ll start with the first 2 this week. Watch your inbox for the next 2 next week.
What could possibly go wrong with debt to infinity?
At the root of all this is the public debt. It has only escalated and exploded since Ronald Reagan called attention to it in the 1980’s. Lately, the dollar has been severely abused by the emergence of Modern Monetary Theory, which states (in a nutshell) that if a country runs its own printing press, it can spend as much money as it wants to, issue all the debt it needs, paper over the debt with more currency, and then tax away the inflation. Academics and economists who seriously believe this have seized the levers of power.
What could possibly go wrong? (Everything…)
Your gains are not as impressive as they could be…
Let’s compare gold to the broader economy by looking at compound annual growth rates (CAGR). Here you can see year to date commodities gaining just 6% to gold’s monster 31% growth! More than double the aggressive emerging markets’ gains of 13%!
Just to demonstrate that this is not a 1 year anomaly, look at the 10 year compound annual growth rate and you will still see gold beating every other category at 8.29%, while the US treasury index actually shrinks!
To be continued…
Embracing the enduring appeal of physical gold and silver is crucial for Americans seeking a hedge for a long-term investment. Reagan Gold Group, with expertise in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, excels in safeguarding assets.
Our tailored consultations ensure personalized guidance, aiding financial stability preservation. In today’s unpredictable economic climate, Reagan Gold Group specializes in assisting you with acquiring physical gold and silver, providing a FREE custom consultation to kickstart your journey.
At Reagan Gold Group , we specialize in helping you hedge against these risks by assisting you with the purchase of physical gold and silver. Our experts are ready to provide a FREE custom consultation for you to help you begin the process.
*Views and opinions expressed are those of the authors they are meant for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed or interpreted as a recommendation or solicitation. Reagan Gold Group does not provide investment tax, legal financial planning, estate, planning, or any other personal finance advice. Reagan Gold Group holds no liability for the accuracy, or timeliness of the information provided.
**Note – The Reagan Gold Group is not affiliated with the Reagan Library or the Reagan Foundation in any way. We’re just fans of Ronald Reagan and what he did for American gold ownership as president.
Contact us to learn how you can “recession-proof” your retirement & unlock massive hedging opportunities.